miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

About free Time

Hello bloggers! Today I’m going to talk about free time.

I believe that the people nowadays don’t have the necessary time for themselves, because the life rhythm that they have don’t let it. In many times the family and the children don’t see their parents during all the day and they can’t share and keep a conversation about their lives. I disagree with the people say that the technology available contribute to do the things easier or faster than before, because at the same time that the technology develops, the burden of work increases too.
In my position I haven’t much time in the week to spend on entertainment or different things that don’t relate with the university, because in this period I have to study a lot for the final tests. Well, frequently I use my free time for resting in my house. I like to watch TV or films with my family or my friends too, also I enjoy using the computer and keep conversations about different topics. Sometimes, only sometimes I get out with my friends or my sister like go for an ice cream during the weekend or visit my other familiar .
I’m trying to use my free time wisely, but normally it’s difficult for me carry on the plans that I made because on occasions other important things appear and you can’t excuse of it. My parents give advice about it, but they haven’t the same burden than me.
If I would have more free time I think that I would spend it in things that I really enjoy like go to the theatre or concerts, have a friend reunion or go to a party or go to the cinema and a lot of things that you don’t remember when you are so busy. Something that I hope to do it is read a list of interesting books that I saved last holidays.
In conclusion at the presents the people don’t have time that they want for themselves, overall they complain the system for the stress that they have. Certainly I think that when you wish something you can do it despite their jobs or studies if you organize your time in hours, days weeks or months and get a metod for it.

I enjoyed writing in this opportunity…

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Britain to send more troops to Afghanistan, Gordon Brown confirms.

In this opportunity I’m going to talk about an article of the Guardian.
This article expresses the opinion of Gordon Brown, the prime minister of UK, about the 500 troops which will send to Afghanistan. According with his words at the beginning he was agree with the decision, because it is a contribution for the assurance and protection against the terrorism. The announcement was made after a question round in which it was exposed the worry about the killed troops and the disagreement with increase the soldiers in danger. He said that this is an important topic and “Nothing can erase the pain for their families”, the sacrifice that he men had made won’t forgot. But he insisted that the British troops kept in Afghanistan to "protect the streets of Britain" of the threat of al-Qaida.
After he referred to the reasons that they have for sending the troops to Afghanistan, he mentioned that exist a commitment between Britain and Afghanistan for getting better training for their troops. Also he excuses saying that the veterans and soldiers will have an excellent metal health attention and the conditions for it, when they return to home.

In conclusion the prime minster of Britain is agree with the decision and justified with argument of national assurance and commitment with the Afghan nation. Also this "coincide" with news from United States and the troops that their will send to Afghanistan.

You can see this article in http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2009/oct/14/gordon-brown-davidcameron.