martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Technology... a good tool for education.

Currently the technologies have taken importance in the development of health, politics and education, because in different environments where the people develop they have to use and work with them, the implementation of technology is embedded in the globalization process occurring today, which implies a rapid processes of new information technologies and communication are changing the way of developing, acquiring and transmitting knowledge. In my opinion these have been a successful experience and opportunity, specifically on education to get better learning, benefits and potential quality in all education levels, breaking the barriers of space, time, and culture. Nowadays the technologies are essential.

In the first place the technology facilitates the communication between the teachers and their students due to the existence of platforms, for example, in some subjects we use the web “u-cursos” to keep the contact about questions or doubts, know the information that we need for study and marks that we have. Also there are courses or classes that teaching online in which the teacher and student contact at the same time and possibly a big distance, sharing knowledge, learning, discussing and resolving doubts.

Secondly, we use programs as Stata, SPSS or E-views in some subjects: statistics and methods to investigation. In these cases the technology is a fundamental tool to carry out the results and make an explanation of investigation problems. Besides the technologies, specifically internet, allow us the access to work material and support to complement the study material (papers, books, webpages, research,etc.), therefore, these sources of information, facilitating the acces to computers and programs in the school, are helping the students to learn easier than before and reducing the cost and time. For example, when we use data show to expose a work.

Finally, the student are more motivated when they use technology, they has a high interest in them because using computers and radiod due to the class are interactive between us and with the teacher. They make learning more permanent, that is to say, the technology offers a real or practical experiences that stimulates the students activity . For instance, the practical use of English programs or writting blogs encourage the participation of members of class while a written interaction.

In conclusion the technologies exist to attend the needs of human, at the same time they contribute to develop of them and increase the knowledge, making integration among the members of university and progress for the stability of education in the future. Despite of there are still challenges to meet over the development of technologies, they have contributed in big percentage in improving the characteristics of university's education. These opinions are reflected in the EGGP too, because despite the implementation of new computer rooms and use of internet in some classes and programs, we need more and better use of technology.

domingo, 15 de noviembre de 2009

Some shocking news that happened this year...

Hello bloggers!
I expect that you be well and have enjoyed last weekend previously the global tests. Today I’m going to comment news of what happened this year and and have a big impact on me.
Some of those news were the transplants failed of Felipe Cruzat and Diego Poblete. They had different stories of life and different families, however, they passed for similar situations. I followed their stories in TV and sometimes I tried to understand why these things happened.
Felipe, who was 11 years old, had waiting more than two months a heart for him, because he had a cardiac insufficiency. In an occasion the doctors put in it an artificial heart to give him more time while a new liver appeared, but in the end his body didn’t resist the long time and died.
Diego Poblete was 12 years and was from Los Ángeles. He had waiting a liver, because he suffered a fulminanting hepatitis and was maintained hospitalized for six months. In this case don’t exist an artificial organ to replace a livier and the doctors operated him several times, but his body didn’t accept these organs. Finally, he died too.
These stories remember us the importance to be a donor of organs, to be conscious, because for this way you can give an opportunity to live someone else. Also is neccessary the contribution of a law of donation of organs to support it and an effective and transparent system of transplants. Many people are dying unnecessarily; this is called of attention for all the chileans.
In my case I will be a donor of organs and my family knows it, I think the desperation that the family feels when a member passes for this situation and I would like that they were helped me.

Another fact that impact on me was the death of Diego Schmidt-Hebbel, an economist who was murdered by an person contracted by Maria del Pilar Perez, “The Quintrala”, to realize the attempt. Also she was involved by the death of her ex-husband and his couple! How can a person be so merciless, denaturalized and so cruel with her own family and not to repent? I will never understand it.
Many other things happened this year in different aspects of the life and that were a bigger impact for all us...
I hope that things as that I wrote don’t repeat again.


miércoles, 11 de noviembre de 2009

Challenges in my discipline

Hello everebody! Today I’m going to talk about an important topic in my discpline as a public manager. I think that we have a lot of challenges to solve in differents areas in which we will work.
First, about the technology in public environment. In my opinion, it is a fundamental tool to develop and facilitate the mechanism of administration, because it makes the access easier for the people to politics and decisions that affect them. I believe that the government is trying to implement good and more ways for the transparency in management, but they are insufficient yet.
Secondly, in social matters I think that last government has assigned a big part of the national resources for it, they have increased the social protection programs, benefits and subsidies. But I prefer to believe that there exist many objectives to carry out, because the poverty and opportunities of social mobility are still very few.
About the education field, we have a lot of unresolved things, for instance, the quality of it in the primary and secondary education. Many people say that we are better than before, but quantity doesn’t mean quality. Another case is the superior education, in Chile the public education is so expensive in comparison with other countries, for example, in Argentina public education is free. The demands for a better education isn’t a distant objective, we have to solve right now for next years could be better.
Some alternatives that could be effective according a public manager are implement system for get better teachers, it means, that they ought to have a excellence education and have the vocation or patience to teach theri students. For this, the responsible managers have to assure the qualification of them.
Also, a good idea for get better results in education, could be to reduce the numbers of students in a classroom. For this way the students would be more observed and pay attention. The incentives that the municipality gives them to motives to study, they have to give them for good marks and not only for socioeconomic conditions.
For me the challenges are the things that you can make in the future with the economic and human resources and which are unresolved yet. In the public administration these issues are very important to satisfy the people’s needs, according to what they are asking .

An insteresting topic which require more time to solve.

miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

Improving my faculty facilities

Today I’m going to talk about my faculty. I’m studying at second year in INAP, this abbreviation means Public Affairs Institute. The Government Schools where I’m studying depends of INAP, which is in a management restructuring for get more and better conditions for their students and members.

Something that the process has considered is the excellence of the teachers for the Government School, an important point for get quality and prestigious. For this the Institute invite tender and selection the person most qualified and with better skills to work in it. In think that it’s a good way to improve the structure of INAP and Government School, but on occasions, competent people are outside of the selection because they haven’t a master or another degree. Also the authorities decided to make changes about the subjects for next year, and get better professionals and public managements.

Related with the student I believe that immediate needs that we have are in an infrastructure dimension, for instance the space for study or have a lunch is small for many students. Maybe the people could think that these things are shallow, but are very necessary too.

Last year the students of School Government were on strike around a month due to these reasons. Finally, we get a change in the point of view about us and also they fixed some spaces and solve some management trouble. I believe the formal participation of students is a good mode to keep contacts with the authorities and get consensus about our needs. This is the first step.

A recommendation for us is to keep the behavior to express our opinion, contribute with more ideas and pay attention in the process.

The INAP and Government School situation is directly related with the national context about education an interesting and important topic for discuss.


miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009

About free Time

Hello bloggers! Today I’m going to talk about free time.

I believe that the people nowadays don’t have the necessary time for themselves, because the life rhythm that they have don’t let it. In many times the family and the children don’t see their parents during all the day and they can’t share and keep a conversation about their lives. I disagree with the people say that the technology available contribute to do the things easier or faster than before, because at the same time that the technology develops, the burden of work increases too.
In my position I haven’t much time in the week to spend on entertainment or different things that don’t relate with the university, because in this period I have to study a lot for the final tests. Well, frequently I use my free time for resting in my house. I like to watch TV or films with my family or my friends too, also I enjoy using the computer and keep conversations about different topics. Sometimes, only sometimes I get out with my friends or my sister like go for an ice cream during the weekend or visit my other familiar .
I’m trying to use my free time wisely, but normally it’s difficult for me carry on the plans that I made because on occasions other important things appear and you can’t excuse of it. My parents give advice about it, but they haven’t the same burden than me.
If I would have more free time I think that I would spend it in things that I really enjoy like go to the theatre or concerts, have a friend reunion or go to a party or go to the cinema and a lot of things that you don’t remember when you are so busy. Something that I hope to do it is read a list of interesting books that I saved last holidays.
In conclusion at the presents the people don’t have time that they want for themselves, overall they complain the system for the stress that they have. Certainly I think that when you wish something you can do it despite their jobs or studies if you organize your time in hours, days weeks or months and get a metod for it.

I enjoyed writing in this opportunity…

miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2009

Britain to send more troops to Afghanistan, Gordon Brown confirms.

In this opportunity I’m going to talk about an article of the Guardian.
This article expresses the opinion of Gordon Brown, the prime minister of UK, about the 500 troops which will send to Afghanistan. According with his words at the beginning he was agree with the decision, because it is a contribution for the assurance and protection against the terrorism. The announcement was made after a question round in which it was exposed the worry about the killed troops and the disagreement with increase the soldiers in danger. He said that this is an important topic and “Nothing can erase the pain for their families”, the sacrifice that he men had made won’t forgot. But he insisted that the British troops kept in Afghanistan to "protect the streets of Britain" of the threat of al-Qaida.
After he referred to the reasons that they have for sending the troops to Afghanistan, he mentioned that exist a commitment between Britain and Afghanistan for getting better training for their troops. Also he excuses saying that the veterans and soldiers will have an excellent metal health attention and the conditions for it, when they return to home.

In conclusion the prime minster of Britain is agree with the decision and justified with argument of national assurance and commitment with the Afghan nation. Also this "coincide" with news from United States and the troops that their will send to Afghanistan.

You can see this article in

miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009

World of sport

Hi bloggers!

I’m going to talk about the importance of sport in our lives. In spite of I’m not practice any discipline of sport, sometimes when I have time I go to aerobics class, in the gymnasium of the university, I had gone for four months and I really feel better than before, because in this time I relax and enjoy between the classes (talking in a psychological aspect), the stress get out. But in point of view of the health, it keep me in wave and in my future I will have less possibilities of suffer an illness related with the cardiac system, muscles and bones. In a national platform I feel that the sport isn’t relevant thing in the Chilean lives, because the statistics indicate that the people don’t make exercise two or three times in a week like the doctors and experts say. Overall the people don’t predict the consequences that this behavior could have and don’t hear the news respect to this.

Talking about the level that sport presents in Chile, we have distinguished people who represent us in the international competitions like Kristel Köbrich in swimming, Fernando González and Nicolás Massu in tennis, however, they are a few. Is necessary that the people acquire the conscience about the relevancy and take the tools that the government have implemented and the opportunities that they have near in some organizations… and the best way to get it is with our example.

In other perspective I think that exists some “sports” which I don’t agree like “rodeo a la chilena”, because it affects and use the animals for get fun and finally it don’t pass a good time. Others activities that some people consider a sport is the hunting, I believe this people haven’t discernment. How can they be able to kill an animal? I can't understand them.

Well I enjoyed giving you my opinion.. see you soon, greetings.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

What to do and Where to go in Santiago?

Hello everybody!

Today I’m going to talk about interesting places to visit in Santiago, a city full of life if you search very well.
Well I born, grew and studied during a bit part of my life in the centre of Santiago, then I really know this area and the places where the tourist and foreign people want to visit, like the civic and culture centres, the monuments, relevant buildings and traditional restaurants or freaky places too. In opportunities I ask myself, why they came here and what they do and enjoy of this places? When they visited it, they used the cameras and video cameras for takes photos and record for get good memories of a unknown place called Santiago of Chile. Also when the tourists are lost, they try to ask the people the directions or location where they want to go, but many times the pedestrians don’t know the right way to arrive there and the confuse them.
Some places where the tourist go frequently are:
- The Government Palace, because is the centre of management and civic affairs. It could be interesting if you hope to know about historic an political facts.
- The Cathedral of Santiago and “Plaza de Armas” in general, because you could find a lot of monument that are national and historic patrimony.
- The San Cristóbal and Santa Lucía hills, where you can see all Santiago.
- The Municipal Theatre, if you want listen classical and traditional music, because they presents different styles of its. Also you would visit another music centres.
- The Central market, where you will find a variety of food, specially traditional food with sea products.
- Also the tourists enjoy when they visit the craft markets, because they can buy traditional and handwork products that you won’t find in another place.

If you wish to known the popular culture and try to contact with the common people I suggest you to visit these places and keep conversations with them. If you can spend and pay in expensive places, you would go to the snow/ski centres like “Colorado” or “Farellones”.
Well, I passed a good time talking about Santiago.
See you..


miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009

The role of music (8)

Hello bloggers!

Today I’m going to talk about music! It’s one of my favorite topics, because it has been with me during all my life. Well, I have enjoyed music since I was a little girl. When I was eight years old I went to auditions for a choir of my school and a musical group too, where I learned to play a bit of piano. After that I had to change school, but I continued to participate in activities related with music, I sang “9th Beethoveen’s Symphony”, “Carmina Burana” three times and others too. Thanks to these experiences I acquired knowledge and good memories that I won’t forget.
The music I like to listen to are different styles, I enjoy when I sing and listen to classical or learned music with my friends. I have gone many times to Municipal Theater and University of Chile theater too. Also I like to listen to another type of music like rock ballads and romantic music, all the music which I keep in my mp4, I downloaded from internet or I ask my friends or classmates to get it, some opportunities I buy the CD’s of my favorite bands or singers. My favorite themes are by Bon Jovi, The Beatles, Jason Mraz and Lenny Kravitz too. About music in Spanish I like artists like Jarabe de Palo or Francisca Valenzuela, who talk about situations of common life and near experiences in their songs.

When I must study, I can’t listen to music, because it distracts my attention from the subjects and books. But when I’m feeling happy, excited, sad or melancholic I prefer the appropriate melodies, because I think it is necessary to accompany and seek refuge in it... I believe music complements your life and makes you feel deeply the moments and situations that happen to you.
Music represents for me a fundamental part in the life of everybody, you identify with the rhythms, melodies and lyrics of it.

Well, I really enjoyed writting today...

See you soon, greetings

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

Transantiago, before and after

Hello bloggers!

Today I will talk about the famous Transantiago, an interesting and important topic for people who live in Santiago. When the government announced they will change the transport system I believed that was a good and necessary idea. The old system was obsolete, because the yellow buses had a lot of bad points! First if you were a student, the buses didn’t stop and the driver didn’t be kind whit the passengers. Also when a crowded needed to got on a bus the bus driver shouted us to let more people get on the bus, really they were mad. Another problem was the delinquency inside the buses, the passengers were frightened about this.

The first day of Transantiago beginning to operate I decided to go at Santiago’s center and I was useful the passage was free, all it was good until the moment to came back our house… It was a chaos! A lot of people were waiting in the bus stop and we have to wait for more than one hour to get on a bus. At this moment I felt that Transantiago isn’t a good idea and I commented with my parents and friends my worst experience with the public transport, but thanks to good management of transport minister the system has got better during last two years. Now the system has a few details already as the time between the buses don’t make it a reliable transport and the people prefer the subway. In my case I haven’t many problems with the buses and next years I will have a subway station near at my house and different ways to arrive at the university.

About to apply new changes to make it better in the future could be to implement a system of control time or persons whose regulate it. Maybe they would change the structure of the bus stops, the system would get better…

Well this is my opinion….
See you soon

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

The countries I would like to visit.

Hello again! In this opportunity I 'm going to talk about places or countries where I would like to visit.
First, I always have dreamed to visit Italy, i know it is a peninsula and all its mouments like the Coliseum or Appia Way and a lot of culture centers which will let me to learn and extend my knowledge about it. Other interesting place in Italy is The Pisa's tower I think this is an amazing building , because in spite of several centuries old it has never collapsed. Also I would like to sail in the streets of Venice and would enjoy a romantic trip in gondolas later to share this fabulous experience with different people and my family. An important reason of visiting Italy might be the food, I love the pastas and all their variety.

Another place that I believe colud be a fantastic experience is Austria, I can imagine that the sound of Mozart’s music in all the sites that I could know. Also England with the Big Ben and specially Stonehenge has a mysticism that you don't find in anywhere, and Germany has a difficult language and hard history. They have cultures that I am charmed with, attract me and it motivates me to travelling to Europe.
About work or to live in these countries, it would mean to keep me far away from the people I want, but finnaly all depends on the situation in which I am. In case In case of being going to study I wouldn’t hesitate to do it.

Now I'm so happy because I will go with other classmates to Whasington DC and New York next year, thanks to a program of the George Whashington University. I feel excited for this reason and my family too.
I hope that you enjoy this post because I it have written twice! the first time i lost all that I wrote. Well, it was all for today...

miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009

First term, good and bad points.

Hello again! this is my first post after one year
Now i'm going to describe something that happened during the last term.
It was more relaxing than last year, I had five subjects only and I passed all them!. I'm so happy for this, but I really did't enjoy them. Some of them were Science Theory, Administrative Law, Administrative Theory and Microeconomics. I had to study Statistics too, I suffered with them.

In my free time i went to an aerobics class in the university's gym and I tried to keep the contact with my school friends, because i did't see them for around two months. In April my friend Gabriela and I went on a musical trip to the south of Chile, we sang "Carmina Burana" with the school chorus and other people... It was wonderful.
The music is my favourite hobby. Before to enter at the university i dedicated a long time for its, i participated in pair of operas like " 9º Simphony of Beethoven" and competitions like "Crecer Cantando".

About my family, I try to share more time with them, but it's difficult for me because no-one has time to keep a long conversation.
About my friends didn't spend all the time that i wanted, because i had to study a lot.

It's all for today....
