I’m going to talk about the importance of sport in our lives. In spite of I’m not practice any discipline of sport, sometimes when I have time I go to aerobics class, in the gymnasium of the university, I had gone for four months and I really feel better than before, because in this time I relax and enjoy between the classes (talking in a psychological aspect), the stress get out. But in point of view of the health, it keep me in wave and in my future I will have less possibilities of suffer an illness related with the cardiac system, muscles and bones. In a national platform I feel that the sport isn’t relevant thing in the Chilean lives, because the statistics indicate that the people don’t make exercise two or three times in a week like the doctors and experts say. Overall the people don’t predict the consequences that this behavior could have and don’t hear the news respect to this.
Talking about the level that sport presents in Chile, we have distinguished people who represent us in the international competitions like Kristel Köbrich in swimming, Fernando González and Nicolás Massu in tennis, however, they are a few. Is necessary that the people acquire the conscience about the relevancy and take the tools that the government have implemented and the opportunities that they have near in some organizations… and the best way to get it is with our example.
In other perspective I think that exists some “sports” which I don’t agree like “rodeo a la chilena”, because it affects and use the animals for get fun and finally it don’t pass a good time. Others activities that some people consider a sport is the hunting, I believe this people haven’t discernment. How can they be able to kill an animal? I can't understand them.