miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

The countries I would like to visit.

Hello again! In this opportunity I 'm going to talk about places or countries where I would like to visit.
First, I always have dreamed to visit Italy, i know it is a peninsula and all its mouments like the Coliseum or Appia Way and a lot of culture centers which will let me to learn and extend my knowledge about it. Other interesting place in Italy is The Pisa's tower I think this is an amazing building , because in spite of several centuries old it has never collapsed. Also I would like to sail in the streets of Venice and would enjoy a romantic trip in gondolas later to share this fabulous experience with different people and my family. An important reason of visiting Italy might be the food, I love the pastas and all their variety.

Another place that I believe colud be a fantastic experience is Austria, I can imagine that the sound of Mozart’s music in all the sites that I could know. Also England with the Big Ben and specially Stonehenge has a mysticism that you don't find in anywhere, and Germany has a difficult language and hard history. They have cultures that I am charmed with, attract me and it motivates me to travelling to Europe.
About work or to live in these countries, it would mean to keep me far away from the people I want, but finnaly all depends on the situation in which I am. In case In case of being going to study I wouldn’t hesitate to do it.

Now I'm so happy because I will go with other classmates to Whasington DC and New York next year, thanks to a program of the George Whashington University. I feel excited for this reason and my family too.
I hope that you enjoy this post because I it have written twice! the first time i lost all that I wrote. Well, it was all for today...

2 comentarios:

nanobot dijo...

sure we will! Italy is amazing i really like it so we have to save some money and go there =)


Valentina Vilches Suárez dijo...

I think that your travel to DC is a very good oportunity to improve your english.I´m in 3rd and I don´t have this experience last year, anyway I hope that you can learn a lot of things.
